Saturday, September 5, 2015

Improve Your Tamiya Mini 4WD Performance with Tune-Up Parts!

It is undeniable that there are owners of Tamiya Mini 4WD who want to upgrade their miniature car in order to achieve full speed. Fortunately, there are ways to improve the speed and stability of a Tamiya Mini 4WD. How? Simply by replacing their standard parts with upgraded parts. There are many available upgraded parts that are sold in the market.


Before you start upgrading your Tamiya Mini 4WD, you should understand the importance of each part first. Continue reading this article to have a good grip of how the parts work. It is now your chance of making your precious miniature car much faster than ever.

Understanding the Parts of a Tamiya Mini 4WD

Below are the different parts of the Tamiya Mini 4WD. Each part has available tune-up replacements, so do not just choose any part. Know what you really want for your miniature car. Always remember that each kind of tune-up part has its own specialty.

1. Motor

The best way that you can do to boost up the speed of your Tamiya Mini 4WD is to install a tune-up motor. Keep in mind that there are seven different kinds of upgrade motors. All seven of these motors are guaranteed much better in terms of performance compared to the motor that is included in the Tamiya Mini 4WD kit. Some are designed for cornering, while others are for reaching top speeds.

2. Gear Ratio

The gear ratio is the part that determines the motor’s top speed, acceleration, and output. The larger gear ratio is designed for acceleration, while the smaller gear ratio is designed for top speed.

3. Tires

When we are talking about a car’s performance, it cannot be argued that tires play an important role. The smaller the diameter of the tire is, the better. Why, because tires with a smaller diameter have better cornering.

4. Wheels

Just like the tires, wheels are very important. Each kind of wheel is designed for a specific purpose. Therefore, you have to select your wheels carefully. Make sure it is the right one for your application.

5. Rollers

Whenever you are racing on a walled circuit, rollers are undeniably significant. Altering your Tamiya Mini 4WD’s roller will allow your car to cope with the track’s demand. Always consider the roller’s size, angle and location whenever buying one. These aspects will determine the performance of your tune-up rollers. If you are planning to enter a racing tournament, check the regulations first regarding the use of rollers. Some tournaments have restrictions on how many rollers can you use for your Mini 4WD.

The five parts above are the most significant parts of a Tamiya Mini 4WD. Whenever upgrading your miniature car, always know what you want for it. Remember that each tune-up part serves a different purpose. The right kind of tune-up part for you depends on what you really want for your Tamiya Mini 4WD.

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