Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How to Fix Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide Errors, Crashes, Freezes, FPS Problems

Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide was released this week on Steam and by now players said that the game is amazing. Vermintide takes place in and around Ubersreik, a city overrun by Skaven. You will assume the role of one of five heroes, each featuring different play-styles, abilities, gear and personality. Working cooperatively, you must use their individual attributes to survive an apocalyptic invasion from the hordes of relentless rat-men, known as the Skaven. Battles will take place across a range of environments stretching from the top of the Magnus Tower to the bowels of the Under Empire.
The game has around 2,000 positive reviews on Steam but some players reported that the game also has issues and bugs. The most common Warhammer Vermintide errors are: Crashes, Freezes, FPS Issues, Stuttering and other minor bugs. Follow the tips and the tutorial below to fix this errors.
1) Warhammer Vermintide Crashes, for some players the game crashes on start and they are unable to play it or it crashes during the gameplay randomly.
“My game crashes after playing for only 5 minutes, it only happens during a level too. It never happens at the inn and none of my other games crash.”
“Starting to get really tierd of the endgame screen crashing. The part where the “red carpets” come down and you can see how much xp you get etc freezes. Denying me the dice roll. Crashing the game and i get no loot. Happend more then 10 times.”
2) Warhammer Vermintide Freezes/Stuttering, your game might just freeze when your are playing or you might get constant stuttering.
“Whenever I try to join a game, and during the search I access the forge, then when the countdown begins from 5 before actually joining the game, the cursor doesn’t disappear, and during the whole session moves onscreen with my mouse.
Can you guys fix this please?”
“This game-breaking lag is literally game-breaking. After 5 minutes into a game, everything freezes up and eventually my screen goes black and I have to alt-tab.”
“There are a lot of threads with the same problem: in random moment game freezes, sound loops and only manually resetting machine helps. I found that almost all of people with this problem have i7 processors, and i heard somewhere on forums that game crashes are somehow connected with cores quantity.”
3) Warhammer Vermintide FPS Issues, for some players the FPS drops very low or they are having constant low fps issues.
“I just bought this game because it seemed like fun. But, this game is so horribly unoptimized. Why did they release it in this state? In intense fight scenes, my fps drops to the 40s even the high 30s and I have a beefy system.”
“Hello, am i the only one that even with everything set to low/off and textures on medium have like 37 fps in figths?”
4) Warhammer Vermintide Error Signing In, to fix this error follow the tip below:
  1. Back up the game using the backup feature in steam to avoid re-downloading the game.
    Delete the game by using steam “delete local content”
  2. Locate the directory where the game is installed and delete the remaining files.
    Then delete the fatshark directory from your computer. It’s located at Computer>Users> “Your profile or account”>Appdata>Roaming.
  3. Install the game from your previous backup file. You can run a check to validate the files. The game will finally work.

How to use our patch:
  1. Download the patch from here: download
  2. Extract the archive on your desktop and open the patch
  3. Select the folder where you installed the game, if you used the default Steam folder the the game is in:C:Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steamapps/common
  4. Select your graphics card: AMD or Nvidia and click check to make sure that everything is ok
  5. Now you can select your errors from the box in the right
  6. Final step, now just click Verify&Patch wait a few minutes until the game is patched and you are done. Have fun playing the game!
We hope that our patch helped you fix your Warhammer Vermintide errors and that now you are enjoying the game. If you have any questions or if you encounter other errors please comment below and we will help you fix your game! – GamesErrors Team

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