Estonia has a diving is perhaps the most unique in Europe. If diving into the wreck is considered normal, they offer the opportunity to dive in the former prison building who drowned in Rummu lake.
Prison underwater in Lake Rummu located in Sireli Tanav 11, Rummu City, Harju, Estonia. In the days of the Soviet Union in power around 1940, the prison was established as a place for confining prisoners. Formerly, the prison stands is not a lake but vasalemma marble quarry area.
Slowly, the water also meet the former mine and imprisonment up to form a lake. Reportedly, the water is so fast that the location meets the various mining machinery and buildings there sank so quickly without a chance to be saved.
Prison building was sunk about half. Only part of the prison could be seen above the lake until now. A traveler who visited allowed to swim or even diving in the lake to see the prison were drowned.
This location is also often used for training divers diving by beginners. Lake water is crystal clear so that the divers could see the ruins of the prison and all mining machines on the lake bottom freely.
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