Friday, July 10, 2015

Chronological Marvel Avengers Movie

Captain America: First Avengers (2011)

Captain America: First Avengers Avengers Saga is a series that was released in 2011. Return to the days of World War II. This movie tells the story of Steve Rogers, a sickly little boy who force themselves to join US forces Americans to confront Germany. although already rejected several times, Rogers never give up, until finally he met with Dr. Abraham Erskine. Rogers offered to join the US Army with one condition, she would be experimental material Super Soldiernya Erskine in the project or projects we know Captain America.

In this film, we will meet Bucky Barnes friend Steve Rogers, Agent Peggy Carters, Howard Stark, and also Director Nick Fury.

Agent Carter Season 1

After Watch Capt America: First Avengers, do not forget also ikutin Agent Carter Season 1. Series will tell the story of the disappearance of Peggy Carter after the events of Captain America during World War II ended. in other words, this Series is a continuation of Captain America: First Avengers were told in the Agent Peggy Carter.

Iron Man (2008)

Iron Man, released in 2008 is basically the opening film that became the beginning of the formation of The Avengers. This film tells the story of Tony Stark, an American Billionaire Weapons Engineer, who was kidnapped by Afghan militants. Tony Stark is forced by the Afghan militants to make the same weapon, which he designs for America. but instead he made the weapon, even Tony Stark makes a Steel Armor which he uses to escape from prison. He made the Armor with a Doctor named Yinsen. and Yinsen also was saving Tony from Death motorcade when he uses Militants attacked Afghanistan. Dr. Yinsen make Arc Reactor invested in Tony's body, in order to survive. In this movie you will find a cameo character Agent Coulson and Director Nick Fury. They both are Agent of SHIELD, or an organization forerunner of the formation of The Avengers.

Iron Man 2 (2010)

Iron Man 2 was released in 2010. This film is the second chronology beginning of the formation of The Avengers. This film tells Tony Stark who suddenly became phenomenal as steel dubbed Armor Iron Man. Tony Stark had to deal with the US Senate America to share its technology. but Tony Stark refused, for fear of leaking technology to Afghanistan militants or militants Others, as in the previous case. Tony Stark is also required to be a threat on his country is, but Tony Stark claims that before him, many other countries are already developing this Steel Armor. In addition, Tony Stark must also face Evli Genius Anton Vanko. He was a genius who managed to make the same arc reactor owned by Tony Stark. in addition, Tony Stark is also faced with Radiation arc reactor that had been keeping for biting his life turned out.

in this film, we will find Cameo Character aka Black Widow Natalie Rushman aka Natasha Romannof. In addition there appeared Nick Fury and Agent Coulson. The arrival of this character, the more sure that Nick Fury wants to form The Avengers.

The Incredibles Hulk (2008)

The Incredibles Hulk release in 2008. The film, starring Edward Norton is the story of Dr. Bruce Banner who performed the experiments led to disaster. Inspired by the Super Soldier Captain America by Dr. Abraham Erskine, Bruce Banner tried to make Super Soldier latest, by injecting Gamma Radiation to the body itself. but unfortunately the results percobannya even make it into the Great Green Monster. Because he can not control himself, he finally retreated and searching for a cure to restore her to be normal again.

In this film, we will meet the figure of Tony Stark who asked where Bruce Banner. Banner Tony Stark would like to invite to join SHIELD TS reason Hulk makes the third film to be watched after Iron Man 2, Tony Stark because recently joined SHIELD after Iron Man 2 ended.

Thor (2011)
Thor is Marvel films were released in 2011. Thor is an Asgardian and The God of the Vikings. Thor himself is the son of the king of Asgardian ie Odin. And Thor also is heir to the throne of Odin. but Thor attitude arrogant and sloppy, making it thrown to earth by Odin. all his strength pulled up Thrown weapon Mjolnir also separately with him to Earth. Odin Berfatwa "Who Goods wonder, then at Will Have The Power of Thor". On Earth, Thor meets a scientist named Jane Foster, Erik Servig, and assistant Darcy. From the beginning of the introduction, the nature of the Arrogant and Rude Thor changed because of her love with Jane Foster.

In this film, we'll see Agent Coulson and Agent Barton (Hawkeye). To note, Hawkeye is an Avengers, because his arrow extraordinary abilities. then there is also Loki who infiltrated the Earth.

The Avengers (2012)

After 4 Years, 5 Marvel film has been released. and the rest of the Avengers characters have been introduced. then the peak is gathering 6 Stud Marvel in a movie that is Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow and Thor. This film tells the story of Thor's adoptive brother Loki, who infiltrated secretly to Earth, to make the Earth as a colony. Loki whose ambition is to become the King of the Earth, should face the Response Team of the beranama SHIELD The Avengers. although Response Team had a chance to split because Loki scenario, the six of them eventually unite to save Earth.

the only cameo in the film are Jasper Sitwell. Who Jasper Sitwell? Please watch Captain America: Winter of Soldier. These people are obviously also influential in this saga Avengers story.

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Season 1 (Episode 1-14 STOP)

Do not forget, just follow the series Marvel'S Agent of SHIELD. because this series is the link to the film Captain America 3. But my advice, follow the first of Episode 1 - 14. because Episode 15 to 22, will be out Spoiler Captain America: Winter Soldier Of. No longer will Seru Watch Capt. America: WOS, if it were to Spoiler-right ?.

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD is a series that tells a small team led by Phil Coulson. The team is tasked resolve extraordinary cases that can not be resolved by the ordinary police. Examples such as the case of an alien, unknown objects, monsters, and more. This small team is also tasked to look for people with great talent to join and is protected by SHIELD This team consists of Agent Ward, Agent May, Agent Skye, Fitz Agent, Agent Simmon, Agent Coulson and Agent Trip.

Iron Man 3 (2013)

for the movie Iron Man 3, is up anyway Skip want in first or not. because there is no common thread towards the film The Avengers into two: Age of Ultron. Iron Man 3 only Flash Back outpouring of Tony Stark, who felt guilty about making a good man into a monster, because pride had when young. but interestingly, the emergence of Bruce Banner (Hulk) in this film. Iron Man 3 still nice to watch, because there are a lot of the latest Iron Man armor on display in this film.

Thor: The Dark World (2013)

Same is the case with Iron Man 3. Thor The Dark World does not have a common thread with The Avengers Age of Ultron Later. but as a fan of Marvel, of course, do not miss also the story. Thor second series is about the classic enemies Asgardian Malekith, who woke up when the girlfriend of Thor, Jane Foster accidentally touch Aether source of strength DarkElf tribe led by Malekith. Jane Foster eventually pursued by the Dark Elf to the Earth, to take Aether attached to the body of Jane Foster.

The film is no significant Cameo, besides Only Loki is still perform here.

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Season 1 (Episode 15) - Thor Crossover

After watching Thor: Dark World. Do not forget to watch Episode 15 Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, because here there is crossover between Thor and Film Series SHIELD but certainly not Thor here is a guest star, but the Lady Sif His guest star. Lady Sif is Thor's companions in arms, he also saved Thor and Jane Foster in the Loki attack while on earth first. in this episode, Lady Sif assigned Odin to catch Lorelei since escaping from prison Asgard. Why can escape? well you already know the answer, when it's watching Thor: Dark World.

Captain America: Winter of Soldier (2014)

Next, Captain America: Winter of Soldier. For this second film, the story would be more focused on Steve Rogers who have adapted to the new world. He also received a New Uniform, Dark Blue color. Captain America this time more dashing and charismatic. However, she still could not accept the leadership style of Nick Fury, who seem mysterious and secret. The film's, Steve Rogers will be paired with the Black Widow, and also made an alliance with the new Super Hero named Falcon. I do not want a lot of spolier here, please watch his own film

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Season 1 (Episodes 16-22)

after watching the Winter of Soldier Captain America, certainly curious about the fate of SHIELD dong next? just calm, we could see the rest of the story in Marvel'S Agent of SHIELD in Episode 16 - 22. in this episode, will be told all the secrets Coulson, Nick Fury, and more. But do not expect Captain America here, no. but that is clearly apparent fate of SHIELD further described herein
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Season 2

After watching Marvel Agent Of SHIELD first season. so please continued in the second season in September 2014. I do not know what kind of story, but if my guess is correct, it will discuss the latest SHIELD revolution. and can be, will be pengubung Anyar Film Marvel The Avengers Age of Ultron.

The Avengers Age of Ultron

Finally the most awaited, The Avengers Age of Ultron. I am sure there is no picture in this film. which will obviously present a new character that Baron von Strucker, Scarlet Witch and Quick Silver. and perhaps there will be a Falcon. I also wish Small Tim Coulson in the series Marvel's Agents of SHIELD also took part.

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