Monday, July 6, 2015

Ways Fishing People of Sri Lanka

Fishing activity is favored by many people, both the young and old must have good fishing in fishing, lake or sea and usually fishing on the seafront or on the boat. Sensation fishing is so exciting is often experienced by the audience of this activity. Tools pole can vary, starting with simple tools that hook, thread tied on a piece of wood, or by using a professional fishing equipment that can withstand the weight and strength of the fish to several tens of kilometers.

Sri Lanka since centuries ago have tempts many to come. Even Marco Polo describe this state as the best island in the world, so that they, the people of Europe, India, and the Arab came in droves. In addition to admire its beauty, the traveler is also interested in the abundant reports of rare spices, precious stones, and exotic wild animals.

Sri Lanka also saves an attractive nautical culture. However, if Agansista know that in Sri Lanka there is a unique way of fishing at sea, which they fished in a way hanging on poles planted in the middle of the sea. The fishing activities carried out for generations by people who are in the Galle District southwest of Sri Lanka, especially Kathaluwa and Ahangama. This tradition dating back to World War II.

Start the morning at sunrise, including using scrap metal poles planted in the war with the reef for a foothold. Because iron increasingly rare, they finally also found that wood is also powerful enough to be grown and used as the basis of fishing, each angler crowded troop rests on wooden poles in length of 3-4 meters with approximately 1.5 meter embedded in reefs corals that have been bound by vertical rods planted on coral reefs. With a fairly simple equipment, they are fished by using one hand and the other hand holding a pole called Petta to maintain a balance so that they do not fall into the sea and fish reservoir container has been prepared and fastened to the side of the stanchion. Baring fish or call the local communities and fish Koraburuwa Mackerels or Bolla become the target of their catch. When they got the fish, the fish is put into a sack tied to the side poles.

Being a fisherman like this also means that their lives should follow also the way of life of their prey fish. The fish here will appear at the beginning of the season winds southwest and is usually in the early morning and evening, so most fishermen will work twice a day. This tradition continues to be inherited from parents to their children.

Why they do not use nets? according to them
This tradition is quite unique and managed to maintain fish stocks in the sea because they say that the fishing techniques using a more modern way is by using nets or other modern fishing methods will lead rapidly depleted fish stocks, remember when catching fish by catching or with other modern techniques , the fish will be quickly exhausted, and marine ecosystems could be disrupted. Positive excesses of local knowledge to catch fish with this unique marine ecosystem is maintained. This method was lost in the aftermath of the tsunami disaster in Sri Lanka a few years ago, but after that this tradition started to be recalled by the local community.

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