Friday, July 10, 2015

The World's 10 Largest Destroyer

10.Luyang Class Type 052D

Type 052D, an upgraded version of the class Luyang-II / Type 052C, a new destroyer was built by Jiangnan Changxing shipyard for the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) of China. Full displacement weight of 7,500 tons makes Type 052D as the tenth biggest destroyers in the world. The first ship of the Type 052D, Kunming (172) is scheduled to be commissioned this year.

Type 052D dimensionless length of 155 meters, 18 meters wide and manned by 280 personnel. Armed with close-in weapon system (CIWS) *, weapons 130 mm single-barrel, torpedo tubes, and vertical launcher system (vertical launch system / VLS) which is similar to the MK 41 VLS United States.

Type 052D is equipped with landing facilities and hangars for helicopters, and is equipped with a system of combined diesel or gas propulsion (CODOG) with two gas turbine engines QC-280 and two diesel engines, giving it a maximum speed of 30 knots (55.56 km / h).

9. Sovremenny-class Project 956 Sarych (Russia)

Sovremenny-class Project 956 is kind of one of the biggest destroyers owned by the Navy of the Russian Federation. Severnaya Verf shipyard to build a total of 21 Sovremenny class destroyers currently remaining 9 units 5 units owned by the Navy of the Russian Federation and four other units are under the service of the People's Liberation Army Navy of China.

Sovremenny class destroyer weighs 6,500 tons standard displacement while the full weight of 7940 tons displacement. Sovremenny integrated with a variety of weapons such as cruise missiles P-270 anti-ship Moskit, Shtil surface-to-air missile (SAM), four 130 mm guns, four AK-630 Gatling guns, and rocket launchers RBU-1000 anti-submarine (ASW), and two twin 533mm torpedo tubes.

Sovremenny equipped with steam turbine propulsion system GTZA-647, and its four boilers give a maximum speed of 32 knots. Deck landing on Sovremenny can accommodate a helicopter.

8. Type 45 / Class Online (UK)

Type 45, or also known as the Daring class, is a new class destroyers built by BAE Systems Surface Ships for the British Royal Navy. Type 45 destroyers became the largest and most sophisticated owned British Royal Navy.

First destroyer of Type 45, HMS Daring (D32), commissioned in July 2009, and the sixth and final vessel, HMS Duncan (D37), was inducted into the British Royal Navy in September 2013. HMS Daring weighs more fully embedded of 8,500 tons and manned by 190 personnel.

Type 45 is armed with Sea Viper air defense systems (PAAMS), Sylver A50 vertical launcher system, Aster missiles, Harpoon anti-ship missiles, guns Mark 8, two 30 mm Oerlikon guns, two Phalanx CIWS, and machine guns. Integrated electric propulsion system (IEP) gave it a top speed of 27 knots.

7. Udaloy class II-Project 1155.1 (Russia)

Udaloy II-Project 1155.1, is the largest class destroyers from the Navy of the Russian Federation, as well as destroyers seventh largest in the world. Udaloy II is an upgraded version of Udaloy I destroyers and anti-submarine weighs a full displacement of more than 8,900 tons.

Udaloy II system integrated with anti-ship missiles, surface-to-air missile systems and missile Kinzhal Kortic, CIWS, anti-submarine torpedoes and anti-submarine rocket launchers. The destroyer is also equipped with a deck and a hangar for two helicopters. Combination gas turbines installed in this destroyer gave it a maximum speed of up to 32 knots.

Yantar shipyard (Kaliningrad) was originally contracted to build three Udaloy II class ships, but only one is made, the Admiral Chabanenko which was commissioned in January 1999. Two other destructive development of this class was canceled because of funding problems

6. Class of Congo (Japan)

Congo-class destroyer weighs 9,500 tons full displacement, and become destroyers sixth largest in the world. Destroyer operated Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) is integrated with the advanced Aegis combat system.

The first destroyer of this class, Congo (DDG-173) started in March 1993 and commissioned in the fourth and final vessel, Chokai (DDG-176) was commissioned in March 1998.

Congo major weapon systems include vertical launcher system, anti-ship missiles, two 20 mm Phalanx CIWS, the rapid-fire cannon 127 mm, and two triple torpedo tubes. Destroyer is powered by a gas turbine propulsion system which gave it a maximum speed of 30 knots.

5. Class Arleigh Burke / Flight IIA (USA)

Arleigh Burke-class destroyer (DDG-51), is currently the biggest destroyer operated United States Navy, and become destroyers fifth largest in the world. The destroyer of the US Navy began operation in 1991 is equipped with the Aegis combat system.

This destroyer built by Bath Iron Works and Huntington Ingalls Industries as many as 62 ships in three variants, namely the Flight I (DDG 51-71), Flight II (DDG 72-78), and the Flight IIA (DDG 79-112). Construction of Arleigh Burke-class destroyer Flight III variant planned in 2016. Varian Flight IIA (latest version) weighs 9648 tons full displacement.

Arleigh Burke Flight IIA variant armed with Standard Missile, missile ASROC (vertical launch), Tomahawk missiles, Sea Sparrow missiles, MK-46 torpedoes, CIWS, and weapons MK 45. Four LM 2500-30 gas turbines makes this ship capable of sailing at speeds a maximum of 30 knots.

4. Class Kee Lung (Taiwan)

Lung Kee class destroyers (original class KIDD), a class of four destroyers that operated Navy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and become destroyers fourth largest in the world. Class destroyers was originally created for the Iranian Navy but the contract void and subsequently purchased by Taiwan and delivered between 2005-2006. Lung Kee class is the second largest warship of the Republic of China Navy.

Lung Kee class destroyer weighs 6,950 tons standard displacement and embedded full weight of more than 9574 tons. Boats manned by 363 personnel and is equipped with sophisticated communication systems and combat missions for.

Lung Kee main weapon is two 127 mm guns, two CIWS, two Mark 32 triple tubes, surface-to-air missiles, long-range anti-ship missiles. This destroyer capable of accommodating by two helicopters and has a full speed 33 knots.

3. Class Sejongdaewang / DDH III "Sejong the Great" (South Korea)

Sejongdaewang or class destroyer "Sejong the Great", also known as DDH-III, is a new class of destroyers (a total of three vessels) operated by the Navy of the Republic of Korea (Rokn). DDH-class destroyers III became the largest ship in the fleet of the Navy of the Republic of Korea and became the only South Korean destroyer that uses the Aegis combat system. Sejongdaewang weighs a full displacement of over 10,000 tons and manned by 300 personnel.

DDH-III destroyer program developed under Korean Destroyer Experimental (KDX). Three Sejongdaewang class destroyer built by Hyundai Heavy Industries and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, which started operating between 2008-2012.

Sejong the Great brought the gun Mk-45 Mod 4, Goalkeeper CIWS, anti-ship missiles and anti-aircraft, as well as rockets and anti-submarine torpedoes. This destroyer is equipped with landing facilities for helicopters and two gas turbine propulsion system combination that gives a maximum speed of 30 knots.

2. Class Atago (Japan)

Weight of full displacement of over 10,000 tons and a crew capacity of 300 personnel make Atago class destroyers operated by Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) has become one of the world's largest destroyer. Atago class destroyers is an upgraded version of the class destroyers Congo and has a length of 165 meters.

The first ship in its class, Atago (DDG-177), was first commissioned in March 2007 and the second destroyer, Ashigara (DDG-178) started operating since March 2008.

Weapon system Atago class destroyers, among others, the Aegis combat system, the Mk-41 VLS, two 20 mm cannon, Mark 45 Mod 4 127mm gun, anti-ship missiles, and the Type 68 triple torpedo tubes. This destroyer is equipped with a landing and hangar for the helicopter. Gas turbine propulsion system provides a maximum speed of 30 knots.

Zumwalt class / DDG 1000 (USA)

Zumwalt class destroyers are multi-mission, currently being built by General Dynamics Bath Iron Works for the US Navy, became the world's largest destroyers ever built with embedded full weight of 15 656 tonnes. Zumwalt construction began in February 2009 and the delivery of these ships to the US Navy scheduled soon this year. The first ship in the class, USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000), launched in October 2013.

Each of these destroyers of the Zumwalt class will dimensionless length of 186 meters, width 24 meters, and is manned by 158 personnel -Compare the number of crew with other destroyers, very Efficient. Advanced surface combatant ship is equipped with stealth features and can perform operations in the coastal (littoral) and anti-air warfare missions, anti-submarine and anti-surface. The destroyer sailed at a speed of 30 knots.

Zumwalt is equipped with a system of 80-cell vertical launchers, two 155 mm guns, and two Close-In Gun System (CIGS) 30 mm. Critical technologies such as all-electric integrated power system and damage control system is also ensured at Zumwalt. Zumwalt aviation facilities in the hangar and flight deck is spacious.

* Close-in weapon system (CIWS) for defense weapon systems that detect and destroy short-range missiles, surface ships and enemy planes that enter penetrated the outer defenses.

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